Friday, May 13, 2011

Bella and The Case of Too Much Play

Reposting this because Blogger had issues yesterday and this post was lost in those issues. 

Bella (our super sweet greyhound) went to the vet yesterday because she'd been limping off and on over the past week or so.

While they don't know fur sure (hehee), the doctor (who shall henceforth be known as Dr. Dude because he's totally a dude - in a cool way) thinks she's broken one the small bones in one of her toes. Fortunately, it's not a weight-bearing toe.

We're guessing it happened during one of the zillion times she was running around the new backyard.  (At our condo in New York, she was never off-leash except at the dog park.)

The treatment plan consists of meds for the pain and swelling (easy enough, just mix with her food and she never knows it's there) and rest (uh oh).

Poor puppy. She's so confused.  "What? What is this? A leash? In my own backyard? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!"

If it's not better next week, she'll go back for x-rays. Until then, we're trying to find ways to entertain her that don't involve squeaky toys.  Got ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Awww, poor Bella. I hope she gets better with the meds and doesn't have to get a x-rays.



We can't wait to hear what you think . . .