Monday, May 16, 2011

Moving Bingo!

Today, we played Moving Bingo!

All of our boxes from New York were (supposed to be) stickered with a unique number.  As the movers brought in furniture and boxes, we marked off the numbers.  At the end, all of the numbers should be marked off.

Besides the Moving Bingo part of the game, there are other sections on our card . . . 
A place to list items received without stickers (we had bunches).
A place to list damaged cartons (we had maybe 6).
A place to list damaged items (omg, I don't wanna talk about it).
A place to list damages to the home (one little ooops).

At the end of Moving Bingo, we cry because . . . 
. . . our house is full of boxes that need unpacking.
. . . some of our stuff is damaged beyond repair.
. . . we live in California and are so happy.

More on the process of moving in shortly. I'm going to go find some packing paper to curl up on and have a nap.    

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the damage, sorry about how many boxes to unpack. I'm so happy you are happy here in California. Really the weather is usually better than this in May.



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